2013 Second China Forum was successfully held boutique fashion fashion fashion group dynamics-陳怡蓉海角七號                                                      
2013-07-18 14:54 Source: "Robb Report" Edit / Chen Yan Fei

article REVIEW: 7 On 13 May, the second session of China in Chongqing Beibei boutique Forum held at the Banyan Tree, from business, politics scholars, artists, and Readers jointly participated in the forum, the participants in the "Made in China" the big theme, combining industry chain model and the current business environment had in-depth discussion and questioning.

7 13, by the China Fashion Media Group and Chongqing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. sponsored cultural, "Robb Report" magazine and Chongqing (International) Fashion publish Center contractor, Chongqing Municipal Propaganda Department, Chongqing Municipal Leading Group Office of the creative industries to support the development of the second Chinese boutique Forum held in Chongqing Beibei Banyan Tree, from business, politics scholars, artists, and readers together participated in the forum, the participants in the "Made in China "The big theme, combining industry chain model and the current business environment had in-depth discussion and questioning.
forum, fashion media group vice president said in his speech luxury Shouma very important in a cell is the time to invest in a product that is artificial, we found that the history of Western luxury goods speak with you often give you to say how much we have history, with many workers, these workers may 70 years old, 80 years old not to go. They all talk about this, and why? Because in the luxury of the time is a very important factor, and time can be multiplied by 10, multiplied by 100. Back to our products, if calculated time, the time cost of our products or to promote it is not time to talk,Mont Blanc皮夾, so we lost the premium is a possibility, Chinese quality training and development also needs time to accumulate and brewing.
In recent years, China is rapidly shortening on the world's largest consumer of luxury goods of the time, during the Golden Week last year alone, China's most photographed luxury spending has totaled 24 billion yuan, more than Japan and Europe as the world's largest buyer of luxury consumer market. But Chinese consumers are most concerned about the ones who always has a high public profile of the foreign luxury brands, China when exporting to local boutique brand, has become the hottest topic on the forum.
Last year, the Chinese luxury goods consumption growth slowed from 30% to 7%, but subject to taxation, depreciation of the dollar, even debt crisis, etc. factors, China's luxury consumers in the overseas consumer spending, accounting for Chinese consumers of luxury goods more than 60% of total expenditures. Faced with such a huge market has continued outflows, as well as weak domestic demand, rising costs, and so the context of internal and external factors, this session of China's boutique Forum Select "Made in China" this issue and joint third-brand media forum, jointly formation of Chinese fine alliance. Together with a number of peers who, from the internal and external pressures and competition in markets is a sparkling light.
by the State Administration for Industry and Trademark Office selected the Chinese brand, China Famous Trademark total of over one thousand. However,Mont Blanc皮夾專賣, first emerged in the international market, but rare. Brand of cultural ideas and emotions reside Send a broken disappear. Lost in the commercial market influence, but also lost a more important material and spiritual values. In other words, lost the Chinese culture is conferred road ethics. Chinese people rising boutique enthusiasm, so we have reason to believe that Chinese fine spring not far away. Rather than foreign, is Europe's attack Chinese jade stone,2013 Second China Forum was successfully held boutique fashion fashion fashion group dynamics, nurturing say refresher Europe based Chinese worldview leveraging methodology.
Tsinghua University professor - Mr. Zheng Yuhuang on "Global 100 brands from the industry in the future of Chinese fine" made a keynote speech, he said the global brand list gives us a lesson that so far there is no such a hundred Chinese brand industry, but we do not lose heart, the Chinese people have the world's most hard-working people, almost the highest IQ, scientific statistical data show that they are a few points we have high IQs. So it must be possible to combine the two to surpass the West, let's missing is a solid concept, solid attitude, then do not be a bad thing for the customer, the customer something to flicker, short-term may be bring you profits, profitable, but is impossible to make a long centennial. Therefore, such a revelation tells us that Chinese goods industry, or even any business to do is to attract customers from a solid start.
Peking University HSBC School Trout Positioning Center Director - Mr. Yao Rongjun for the "Chinese independent brands Revival Road" published his views, positioning is an art not a science, it is difficult to say there is a specific way to You can follow this logic to build a brand, in fact, have a real practical approach based on market competitive dynamics redefined. But wish we could find some regularity. First we need to define our competitors; two strong competitors for effective positioning behind the weakness. Three is positioned to provide credential; fourth is positioned around creating internal operations worthy. You in the end is what kind of product produced, or your price is set at what price is a good price, this is no basis. With this position if you have a standard and basis for everything.
MADE IN CHINA From its inception, it has been shrouded in the shadow of poor quality labels, but at the same time China is also some of the world's most exquisite craft cradle (such as porcelain, cloisonne, cashmere, silk, etc.), how to break it paradox of history and reality, are made in China are facing bottlenecks, and its breaking point, and perhaps will be in the debut of the Chinese brand body. Former deputy director of the Intangible Cultural - said Mr. Qu Shengrui intangible cultural heritage now the state protection of traditional craftsmanship is government-led, community involvement, we encourage the adoption of the master, the state has representatives heritage, including a representation of heritage Some financial support to make their skills get better heritage. I think the current situation, China's traditional handicrafts aspects include China's four famous show, only to truly protect our traditional skills handed down, this is very important. Now, with the market demand, some embroidery inheritors not put their good traditional skills handed down, that is some way to make through staining, layman can not see. This art heritage I personally do not agree, I think it should be protected. Embroidery master craftsmen - Miss Yao Jianping said Suxiu development today has 2,500 years of tradition, in front of us to think that the tradition of a problem, a problem of how cosmopolitan. Inheritance issues are also personnel issues, because in fact, is a traditional embroidery handmade art, are needed loneliness, investment cycle is long, slow. To enter this industry is a primary stage of 3-5 years, and then he was able to persevere through the years, loneliness, he still has the passion to go up, he may pass decade, a decade of sword, it should will be out Zhengguo. From my previous generation of solid learning experience out of the immortal.
"Robb Report" magazine and fashion boutique Media Group for the development of China put forward three initiatives:
First, we hope that all of you can work together jointly established the China Entrepreneurs Association boutique. This one I want to get through the association between business and government, while strengthening the management of enterprises, led to a number of preferential policies in terms of policy.
Second, we want to strengthen the usual exchanges between enterprises, seminars, you can do some cross-border cooperation, some clothes, some people do real estate, some people do communicate, do we build such a bridge cross-border cooperation. Cross-border cooperation is the best Ma, we have seen his earliest sell yellow leaves, up to now do the logistics, he cross-border cooperation.
Third, we hope to set up a Chinese boutique fund do incubator. Promote the product from the early design and development to final roots, and this is where I think to do practical things.
initiative also represents the fashion media group gives an attitude, I hope you come up with this thing enthusiasm, energy, time, the only way I believe we can put "boutique" word written very brilliant!

Fashion Media Group (TRENDS MEDIA GROUP)
Fashion Media Group was born in 1993, from a magazine began, so far has developed into 17 high-end journals, covering business journal editors, book planning, network media, advertising, printing, distribution, digital publishing and many other areas of cross-media multi-platform media group, and in Shanghai and Guangzhou establishment of advertising, distribution branch offices.
with "international perspective, local consciousness," the idea of ​​running, Trends Media Group took the lead with a world-class publishing group joined forces to take the form of copyright cooperation, always leading the fashion, advocating the trend has become a high quality of life in the Making persons. "Fashion" brand for many years been rated as China World Brand Lab's 500 most valuable brands. Fashion Media Group, which owns 17 upscale journals, including "fashion COSMOPOLITAN", "Esquire", "fashion", "Bazaar", "HB", "Bazaar Jewelry", "Bazaar Art" "Fashion tourism", "fashion health", "Men's Health", "National Geographic", "FHM", "Good Housekeeping", "fashion bride", "fashion time", "car", "Robb Report" and "Audi magazine", "lane" and other custom publications.
In recent years, the fashion media group all media began to march through the film, drama, broadcasting, and Internet, Ipad magazines, mobile media and other new media to extend the field of business, is committed to providing high quality fashion to become content and services cross-media group.
"Robb Report" (Robb Report)
always adhere to the "high-end consultancy • Tasting • share stories of life," the idea of ​​running, the media's first "private custom invitation Subscribe • "way of reading.
Offering luxury consumption advice, special features on the connoisseur lifestyle, and a platform for individuals to share their own stories, Robb Report is the first magazine to introduce a subscription-by-invitation model for its customized content.
Chinese version of "Robb Report" will continue to pass the U.S. version of "Robb Report" style and spirit, and realize the localization of parts is a truly close to Chinese local affluent modern life private consultant. Is one for the love of life and the pursuit of quality of a high-end crowd who lifestyle guide.
In addition to carrying on the tradition of the original American version, the Chinese version Robb Report will offer fresh content designed specifically for the domestic readers as part of its role is private advisor to China's ultra-wealthy class and it's a guidebook for all those who explore the finest things in life.
"Robb Report" originated in the United States, known for 36 years, has a Chinese version, Russian version, the Indian version, Kazakhstan version, the Spanish version, the Turkish version of the Arabic version, Brazilian version of such eight international versions in the global luxury goods sector has a huge influence.
Robb Report was first published in the United States 36 years ago, and so far has eight international versions in China, Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Spain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil. It is one of the major influencers in the international luxury field.
2013 years coincided with the U.S. Master "Robb Report" founded 36 anniversary; "Robb Report" Chinese version of "Robb Report" founded six anniversary, but it is also the annual "Best of the Best • Rob's Choice "of the list published by the glory years.
2013 will be the 36th anniversary of the original American version of Robb Report, and it's the 6th anniversary of the Chinese version. 2013 will also see the release of the "Best of the Best" Robb's choices.
China Forum held boutique Subject
as an international prestigious boutique and lifestyle magazine Robb Report's Chinese version, "Robb Report" is committed to guide the Chinese affluent consumer philosophy, but to explore China boutique cultural gene, called on the community to the rise of China to provide a good quality environment. Shouma Fashion Media Group Vice President, said: "China will become the world's largest consumer market, high-end brands, China's boutique consumption era has arrived. How will China boutique heritage and innovation? Hope boutique industry pioneer by the Chinese boutique Forum The platform for the industry to provide constructive exploration. "
China Forum by bringing together many fine boutique brand's builders and the industry elite, intellectual perspectives and integrate advanced concepts collide, dissemination, for the Chinese brand healthy development provide a valuable platform.
2013 First China boutique Forum
by the fashion media group's high-end lifestyle Reader "Robb Report" launched the inaugural Chinese boutique Forum in June 2013, held in Kunming, Yunnan . Forum held in the first three months, "Robb Report" joint French Ipsos agency China 300 boutique consumers conducted in-depth research, the French research group Ipsos managing director Steve Garton findings released at the forum, from wine, tea, jewelry, clothing, household five aspects, analysis of China's consumer quality status and trends. China boutique industry participants the opportunities and challenges facing the discussions from the business, fashion industry, academia and other elite of their views, explore China boutique heritage and innovation.
2013 China boutique forums, including the Trends Media Group CEO Liu Jiang, vice president of fashion media group skinny horse, spring Yapeng chairman of the media, the managing director of South Beauty Wang Fei, chairman of Hanson diamond Hou Lin, Patek Philippe brand manager Gao Hong , MARRY MA Haute founder Ma Yanli, Rose Square founder Guo Pei, including a brand represents and artists and scholars, combing the Chinese boutique brand's core elements. Guests that Chinese culture is the key to China's boutique, for the current lack of a national brand boutique three elements, namely the cultural essence of the tradition, Seiko spirit and create quality talent. National brand development remains challenging.


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